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Friday, 1 April 2011

Veena's Ethnic Arts

 I am Veena Rajesh, living in Chennai. I am basically a Psychologist & was intially working with Dyslexic Normal School Going Children.
  I switcched over to the line of arts & crafts when my elder daughter Rachna developed an interest to dressing herself and also developed an interest and passion towards painting & drawing when my I delivered my second daughter Vandana.
  I managed to send my elder daughter for classes where I came to know Mrs. Usha Ramesh my daughter's teacher also conducts classes for ladies in all types of embroideries & all types of painting.
  When Vandana was 8 months a small voice inside me made learn jewellery making from Mrs. Usha Ramesh which continued with embroideries to dress  my 2 daughters.
  After 1 year my teacher suggested me to take classes should me a path to spread my knowledge. It is 3 years I am able to do quite a lot of painting, embroideries and designing of blouses, kurtis & saris.
  I also counduct summer camps & holiday classes for children above 7 yrs.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Veena
    Amazing work !!! Please let me know your whereabouts in chennai. I plan to have my daughter enroll in the classes.
